Years ago, I had a dream and a vision of one day having my own store. My desire was not just about fashion, or styling or even selling. It was about the relationships I made in my time as a sales associate and then fashion buyer, and a wish to connect and share my passions. Today, I’ve got a year of “business owner” on my resume and I have to say, it wasn’t as scary or as hard as I thought it would be. I realized that by taking a risk, and a leap of faith, you can either sink or swim, and through hard work, I swam this year.

Sure, I haven’t reached all my goals for where I’d be now, and I have much to learn, but I’ve learned many lessons in just this short time. From business to personal growth experiences, this has been journey and an adventure, and I’m honestly proud (and not afraid to admit) how much fire I have inside, to excel, to persevere and to succeed. I believe that we all have the potential within us to achieve our goals and unleash the power within through positive self-talk, self motivation, eagerness and willingness to change and to make better choices than yesterday. I believe taking responsibility, change and growth, and not allowing yourself to play the victim, to use every situation as something that happens for us, not to us.

With all that I have learned this year, I take away with me something better than financial success: Experience. I am inspired and motivated to have an excellent 2017, with my husband, with my Gals and with my baby dachshunds, only the sky is the limit. The most precious thing we have in life is time. So friends, don’t waste it.
